Your logo is a symbol that can provide consumers with instant and powerful brand recognition of your business and the services or products that you offer. While your logo is only one piece of your branding strategy, it is the visible aspect of it that lifts its importance in establishing and reinforcing your brand.
It is important to maintain control over who is using your logo. Too many times we see logo’s used in various forms and colours which are not consistent with the brand positioning. This confuses the customer about where your brand is positioned.
Strong brands are consistent brands. Using your logo in a consistent manner portrays you care about the way your business presents itself, which indicates that you care about the quality of your work or the way that your work reflects upon their business. Consistency implies in the customers mind that they can trust that you will deliver.
If you don’t have a Logo Style Guide, get one. This will determine where and how your logo is used and allow third party stake holders (e.g. Promotional Product suppliers, printers etc) to maintain your logo’s standards. The style guide should depict such things as what colours the logo can be used in (PMS and CMYK), when to use it in full colour or reversed out, where the logo can and can’t be used, the size in relation to what is surrounding it and the use of tag-lines and where they are positioned.
Once you have the guidelines set, stick to them. Ensure that everyone internally and externally follows the style guide.
Matthew Bywater
Marketing Strategist
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