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Brand on the Run!

A custom picnic rug is the perfect promotional item for summer. Branded with your logo, it travels wherever your customers go, from beaches to parks and weekend getaways, turning your brand into a mobile billboard. Every time the rug is rolled out, your logo gets exposure in a relaxed, social setting, sparking conversations and building brand visibility.

Not only does a picnic rug offer marketing benefits, but it’s also incredibly practical. Summer calls for outdoor activities, and a picnic rug becomes a handy accessory for spontaneous picnics, beach lounging, or even outdoor events. Lightweight, easy to carry, and functional, it’s an item people will genuinely appreciate and use repeatedly. This increases brand loyalty while spreading your message with every outing.

We have a range of picnic rugs that can all be customised with your brand so call 4Promote to see your brand on the run!

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